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 Universal Moral Code

Morality and Morale: A Business Tale
The Universal Moral Code is featured in Dr. Keith’s book, Morality and Morale: A Business Tale. To download a free PDF of the book, click here.

The Universal Moral Code

 The Universal Moral Code is a list of fundamental moral principles that can be found throughout the world. It was created by Dr. Kent M. Keith in 2003 while writing a book on morality and ethics. The code incorporates basic, universal ideas about how we should live and how we should treat each other. Living these principles can provide each of us with the meaning that comes from living our values and doing what's right.

The code is divided into two complementary sets of statements. The first set consists of negative statements about not doing harm, while the second set consists of positive statements about doing good.


Do not do to others what you would not like them to do to you.
Do not lie.
Do not steal.
Do not cheat.
Do not falsely accuse others.
Do not commit adultery.
Do not commit incest.
Do not physically or verbally abuse others.
Do not murder.
Do not destroy the natural environment upon which all life depends.


Do to others what you would like them to do to you.
Be honest and fair.
Be generous.
Be faithful to your family and friends.
Take care of your children when they are young.
Take care of your parents when they are old.
Take care of those who cannot take care of themselves.
Be kind to strangers.
Respect all life.
Protect the natural environment upon which all life depends.

© Copyright Kent M. Keith 2003,

Links of Interest:

Paradoxical Commandments

Paradoxical Christians

Kent M. Keith

Morality and Morale:A Business Tale

Permission to Reprint
Kent M. Keith copyrighted the Universal Moral Code in 2003. For permission to use the Universal Moral Code, please contact Dr. Keith at drkentkeith@ hotmail.com. Thank you!

© Copyright Kent M. Keith 2003,